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WordPress dashboard widget

This file handles the admin area and functions.
You can use this file to make changes to the
dashboard. Updates to this page are coming soon.
It's turned off by default, but you can call it
via the functions file.
Developed by: Eddie Machado
Special Thanks for code & inspiration to:
@jackmcconnell -
Digging into WP -
/************* DASHBOARD WIDGETS *****************/
// disable default dashboard widgets
function disable_default_dashboard_widgets() {
 // remove_meta_box('dashboard_right_now', 'dashboard', 'core'); // Right Now Widget
 remove_meta_box('dashboard_recent_comments', 'dashboard', 'core'); // Comments Widget
 remove_meta_box('dashboard_incoming_links', 'dashboard', 'core'); // Incoming Links Widget
 remove_meta_box('dashboard_plugins', 'dashboard', 'core'); // Plugins Widget
remove_meta_box('dashboard_quick_press', 'dashboard', 'core'); // Quick Press Widget
 remove_meta_box('dashboard_recent_drafts', 'dashboard', 'core'); // Recent Drafts Widget
 remove_meta_box('dashboard_primary', 'dashboard', 'core'); //
 remove_meta_box('dashboard_secondary', 'dashboard', 'core'); //
// removing plugin dashboard boxes
 remove_meta_box('yoast_db_widget', 'dashboard', 'normal'); // Yoast's SEO Plugin Widget
 have more plugin widgets you'd like to remove?
 share them with us so we can get a list of
 the most commonly used. :D
Now let's talk about adding your own custom Dashboard widget.
Sometimes you want to show clients feeds relative to their
site's content. For example, the feed for a sports
site. Here is an example Dashboard Widget that displays recent
entries from an RSS Feed.
For more information on creating Dashboard Widgets, view:
// RSS Dashboard Widget
function bones_info() { ?>
 <h1>Velkommen til 657OSLO sin nettside!</h1>
 <p><strong>Opprett ny bedriftside:</strong></p>
 <li>Bedriftsider er under &quot;Innlegg&quot; i sidemenyen til h&oslash;yre, trykk der</li>
 <li>Trykk p&aring; &quot;Legg til nytt&quot;<img alt="" src="" style="width: 229px; height: 49px; float: right;" /></li>
 <li>Fyll ut tittel, litt info om bedriften, og kontaktinfo (helst i formatet vist over boksen)</li>
 <li>Velg samme bilde p&aring; valget &quot;Logo&quot; under kontaktfeltet</li>
 <li>Trykk p&aring; &quot;Bestem fremhevet bilde&quot; og last opp ønsket bilde med størrelsen 960x320px (dette blir det brede bildet over tittelen) <img alt="" src="" style="width: 297px; height: 90px; float:right;" /></li>
 <li>Velg opptil tre tags/stikkord i feltet til h&oslash;yre
 <li>Hvis stikkordene finnes allerede, er du ferdig!</li>
 <li>Hvis stikkordene ikke fantes, klikk &quot;Publiser&quot;, og hopp til steg 2 i avsnittet &quot;Opprett ny tag&quot;</li>
 <p><strong>Opprett ny tag</strong></p>
 <li>Opprett f&oslash;rst en tag under &quot;Innlegg =&gt; Stikkord&quot;<br/><img alt="" src="" style="width: 400px;" /></li>
 <li>Tags er under &quot;Tags&quot; i sidemenyen til h&oslash;yre, trykk der</li>
 <li>Trykk p&aring; &quot;Add New&quot;<img alt="" src="" style="width: 201px; height: 57px; float:right;" /></li>
 <li>Fyll ut tittel s&aring; kort som mulig, helst under 13 tegn, pr&oslash;v deg frem med forskjellige skjermbredder og se om teksten brytes</li>
 <li>Velg tilsvarende tag fra dropdownen<br /><img alt="" src="" style="width: 400px;" /></li>
 <li>Trykk publiser, og test at filtrering funker p&aring; forsiden</li>
<?php }
// calling all custom dashboard widgets
function bones_custom_dashboard_widgets() {
 wp_add_dashboard_widget('bones_info', __('Info', 'bonestheme'), 'bones_info');
 Be sure to drop any other created Dashboard Widgets
 in this function and they will all load.
// removing the dashboard widgets
add_action('admin_menu', 'disable_default_dashboard_widgets');
// adding any custom widgets
add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'bones_custom_dashboard_widgets');

I functions:
3. library/admin.php
 - removing some default WordPress dashboard widgets
 - an example custom dashboard widget
 - adding custom login css
 - changing text in footer of admin
require_once('library/admin.php'); // this comes turned off by default


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