Iphone 5: Slik får du tilbake 3G-knappen – DinSide
26 jun 2013 - ifon.no via Iphone 5: Slik får du tilbake 3G-knappen - DinSide.
26 jun 2013 - ifon.no via Iphone 5: Slik får du tilbake 3G-knappen - DinSide.
Add website to mobile home screen
20 feb 2013 - I found that many iPhone and iPad users don’t know that they can add their favorite web sites to the Home Screen and interact with ...
20 feb 2013 - I found that many iPhone and iPad users don’t know that they can add their favorite web sites to the Home Screen and interact with ...
04 des 2012 - Prototype iPhone apps with simple HTML, CSS and JS components. via Ratchet.
04 des 2012 - Prototype iPhone apps with simple HTML, CSS and JS components. via Ratchet.
How to Downgrade Back to iOS 5 | Mac|Life
24 sep 2012 - Did you upgrade to iOS 6 with the thoughts that you’d have a better mobile experience on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch, but didn’t? ...
24 sep 2012 - Did you upgrade to iOS 6 with the thoughts that you’d have a better mobile experience on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch, but didn’t? ...